WR Centrum, high calibre refinement!

Centrum was already widely used and tested as a young bull. And with success! As a future bull, this deep red Crown son out of WR Miley (EX 92) was already an impressive sight. The conformation, production and ancestry of his dam and grand dam were equally impressive. The combination of these qualities made Centrum a sought-after young bull. Now, more than three years later, his early heifers are already reaching the end of lactation and his bevy of test bull daughters is growing every month.

WR Centrum

361222 | WR CENTRUM | Crown-Red x Diamondback (EX 92) x Brekem (EX 90) | aAa 153264 Conformation expert Centrum is a sublime udder improver who produces wonderful, dairy type cows with refinement and space in the skeleton. He stands on sound, absolutely parallel legs with great locomotion. Centrum delivers generous component percentages and persistent production.

Cow family at the foundation

Reliability and security start with an established, widelybranched cow family with extremely efficient transmission traits. This perfectly describes the cow family behind WR Centrum. Ludger Wiewer’s M line from Drensteinfurt in Germany excels in conformation and component percentages and boasts a long lineage. A very well-known cow from this line is Centrum’s 4th dam, Koerier Morelle EX 93. As well as winning many trophies and titles, she is also an outstanding brood cow.

Firmly anchored superior conformation

Good confirmation is firmly anchored in the M pedigree. Dam Miley was registered with EX 92 and her current list brings her total production to 70,000 kg of milk. Centrum’ s daughters have also inherited very correct conformation. They are characterised by fine coats and bone structure, deep ribs, correct udders with excellent fore udders and a nicely parallel rear leg position. Two heifers have already merited VG 88 and many correct daughters nare also well on the way to receiving great scores.

Good plus for components

When it comes to production, Centrum add a good plus for milk and components. The heifers are also valued for their persistency. Another added bonus of Centrum’s daughters is their calm nature in the milking parlour.

Grashoek Julia 123 (VG 88) (s. Centrum).