Strong start for new bulls and number one in Belgian Blue!

Several new bulls received their first breeding values in the August index run, including the very promising Apina Borg (Lunar x Empire x Jerod Abel). His breeding value for legs is expected to increase further in the coming index runs, even though not all of his daughters have been classified yet. Borg is a modern bull with outstanding component percentages and exceptional secondary traits.


Even more surprising debuts in the black-and-white segment

Conan (Casino x Boss x Jose) and Visstein K&L Banner (Bahrain x Background x Suran) also made an impressive debut with their first results. Conan is showing positive components and has surpassed his sire Casino. As his number of powerful daughters increases, his score for legs is set to rise too.

Banner’s score for conformation traits has jumped by two points and he notes positive figures for fat and protein percentages (+0.46% fat and +0.31% protein). Both bulls are excellent choices for commercial herds that can easily cope with high production.


Promising newcomers in red-and-white segment

Red Rocks Celebration (Japan x Wisent x Sunfish) has made a surprising first appearance in the red-and-white segment. He has stamped his mark among the top bulls thanks to his high milk production, positive protein percentages and good secondary traits.

Poppe Kayne‘s scores (Jacuzzi x Board x Brekem) continue to improve and he has a very attractive profile. In addition, American Ziggy Red (Jacuzzi x Finder x Jester rf) enters the rankings with over 1100 litres of milk and a plus in fat percentages.

Exceptional scores for Belgian Blue

Beer van de Graashoek is the undisputed number one Belgian Blue bull of the Netherlands with an exceptional score of 139 for calving ease. No fewer than six K.I. Samen bulls appear in the top 10 for calving ease, a feat that demonstrates the consistency and quality of the K.I Samen breeding programme. In addition, Lucas son Loek van de Graashoek makes a creditable debut with a score of 130 for calving ease.

Beer van de Graashook