WR Centrum, high calibre refinement!
361222 | WR CENTRUM | Crown-Red x Diamondback (EX 92) x Brekem (EX 90) | aAa 153264 Conformation expert Centrum is a sublime udder improver who produces wonderful, dairy type cows with refinement and space in the skeleton. He stands on sound, absolutely parallel legs with great locomotion. Centrum delivers generous component percentages and persistent…
Lees meer“Geertje 669 has everything a well-balanced cow needs”
Longevity and proven cow families Owners Jan, Gé and son Rick Hammink run their dairy farm in Almelo (Nl). They manage a herd of 85 and to date can claim 18 cows who have produced more than 100,000 kg of milk! The breeding vision of the Hammink family focuses on longevity: “Our main consideration is…
Lees meer‘Bas Engelen Award’ for Caroline van der Plas
Bas Engelen award The Bas Engelen award was created to recognise individuals who champion the philosophy and vision of Bas Engelen – one of the founding fathers of K.I. Samen – and who represent and promote the interests of dairy farmers and rural communities. The award was created to celebrate the 40th anniversary of K.I.…
Lees meerDrouner K&L Augustus P-Red takes pride of place as highest ranked polled breeding bull in the Netherlands!
High flyers in red-and-white Drouner K&L Augustus P-Red is one of the most notable high flyers in the red-and-white segment. He has been awarded a breeding value based on Dutch daughters for the first time and his INET has risen by no fewer than 240 points. His new breeding values show an increase of more…
Lees meerDex Daughters excel in powerful legs
The daughters of Bonhill Dex van de Peul continue to make an impression as they get older. These well-developed heifers evolve in super performing dairy cows with strength, a wide build and a true urge to produce. Dex daughters have an average stature with solid udders and correct legs. Breeding values His 561 daughters are…
Lees meerStrong start for new bulls and number one in Belgian Blue!
Even more surprising debuts in the black-and-white segment Conan (Casino x Boss x Jose) and Visstein K&L Banner (Bahrain x Background x Suran) also made an impressive debut with their first results. Conan is showing positive components and has surpassed his sire Casino. As his number of powerful daughters increases, his score for legs is…
Lees meerIncreasing global trend for beef on dairy bulls
Leading in Belgian Blue beef on dairy Beef on dairy bulls have always been popular at K.I.Samen. We have been expanding our range of Belgian Blue beef on dairy bulls over the past 25 years and currently offer more than 25 different BB sires in our webshop. We operate the largest breeding programme for BB…
Lees meerDex Daughters excel in powerful legs
Bonhill Dex van de Peul The daughters of Bonhill Dex van de Peul continue to make an impression as they get older. These well-developed heifers evolve in super performing dairy cows with strength, a wide build and a true urge to produce. Dex daughters have an average stature with solid udders and correct legs. Breeding…
Lees meerVDR Slash solves health issues
Gezondheidskenmerken verankerd in stier en koefamilie Waar VDR Slash laat zien dat hij goed scoort voor uiergezondheid, tonen moeder en grootmoeder dit ook door continu over een laag celgetal met hoge levensproducties te beschikken. Zowel Malki moeder Sandra 2 als Minos grootmoeder Sandra 1 laten een geweldige levensproductie zien. Beide koeien zijn nog in leven…
Lees meerA balanced farm: Practical approach delivers higher profits and more pleasure
A balanced farm Our ‘Balanced Farm’ approach examines the totality of revenue at farm level. The foundation is a herd that produces milk for a low cost price by converting a mainly forage ration into milk with the lowest possible labour input and without additional health-related or other costs. Another aim is to produce as…
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