Dex Daughters excel in powerful legs

Dochtergroep Dex

Bonhill Dex van de Peul

The daughters of Bonhill Dex van de Peul continue to make an impression as they get older. These well-developed heifers evolve in super performing dairy cows with strength, a wide build and a true urge to produce. Dex daughters have an average stature with solid udders and correct legs.

Breeding values

His 561 daughters are proof of Dex’s outstanding performance for correct legs and good claw health. And that’s not all: With an aAa code of 516, Dex is also a calving ease sire with a score of 104 for maternal calving process.

Successful presentation of heifer group

The Dex daughters made their debut at the Grasdag 2023 event. At the K.I. Samen breeding station and dairy farm, an impressive group of heifers was presented to the public. The nicely-developed heifers had balanced proportions in the skeleton and the udders showed productivity with particularly positive traits for the rear udders. Many farmers were very excited about this group of heifers, which led to a second daughter group appearing at this year’s National Red and White Show in the Netherlands.

Dex daughters on show again

The National Red and White Show took place in Mariënheem on 22 June. K.I. Samen presented a 2nd calf group of Dex daughters. These six daughters showed plenty of good dairy style, open ribs and slightly sloping rumps. They had high quality udders with longer teats and produced on average 42 to 45 litres of milk. The visitors were extremely enthusiastic, particularly about the quality of the legs with their nicely parallel position and good locomotion.

Grashoek Nordika
Grashoek Nordika 25 (v. Dex) Owner.: Fok-en melkveebedrijf K.I. Samen, Grashoek
Grashoek Thrincia 4 (v. Dex) Eig.: Fok- en melkveebedrijf K.I. Samen, Grashoek
Grashoek Thrincia 4 (v. Dex) Owner.: Fok- en melkveebedrijf K.I. Samen, Grashoek

Super hard claws and strong legs

Ralph Engelen from the K.I. Samen breeding station and dairy farm is very satisfied with the Dex daughters. Ralph: “Their super hard claws and strong legs are what really strike me with Dex daughters. As they have no really extreme traits, they have a greater ability to cope. Dex has a 516 aAa code and that gives his daughters strength and a balanced body. We rarely see Dex daughters in the trimming crush for any special treatment. All they need is routine, regular hoof maintenance.”

“We rarely see Dex daughters in the trimming crush”


361171 | BONHILL DEX VD PEUL | aAa 516432
Malcom x Aikman x Goldwyn

  • Proven pedigree
  • Descends from the family of Kylian, Maniac, Camion and Macgyver
  • Strong cows with a great will to produce
  • Very good legs
  • Calving ease bull
Stier Bonhill Dex van de Peul