The last can be the first!
Poppe Kayne is one of the last Jacuzzi sons and the only one who ranks higher than his sire. Kayne's dam was not a heifer but an older female, and he was not the first of Jacuzzi's son but the last instead. In other words, it's not the speed, but the direction of travel that leads to progress!

Breeder Jan Poppe was already struck by Kayne’s potential at birth and even used him twice when he was still a young bull. Although Poppe Kayne (Jacuzzi x Board x Brekem) is on everyone’s radar and deservedly so, there is more to report. The majority of the red-and-white bulls climbed in the ratings and now occupy the top spots of the tested sons: Poppe Kayne, D’n Driehoek Red Devil P (Timeless x Gogo x Kian) and Hor Best Sun (Brekem x Curtis x Bravisi). They do not always claim the highest place immediately, but have progressed over time.
Kimi Red, sired by Kayne
The philosophy of K.I. Samen focuses on breeding more durable, productive cows that make farmers happy. Kayne’s first son has also been tested by K.I Samen: De Paarlberg Kimi Red (Kayne x Colorado x Aram) out of an amazing cow.

Focus on width
K.I.Samen’s performance also improved again in the black-and-white segment. VDR Slash (Balu x Malki x Minos) (aAa 153642) rose again in the rankings, showing that he is a constant force to be reckoned with. Plataan Florus (Slash x Octoberfest x Headliner) (aAa 156342) also improved his listing again. He demonstrates that bulls with more width are better suited to farms that feed grass.

Sufficient choice and variation
K.I. Samen bulls deliver more pleasure and profits for farmers. It’s not the speed of progress, but pursuing a consistent direction in the breeding strategy that ensures farmers can maintain sufficient choice and variety in their herds. There is such a high level of inbreeding in today’s breeding that bulls with a close ancestry are seeming to become the rule rather than the exception. K.I. Samen continues to maintain its classic selection method and breeds bulls from attractive cows that produce with ease. Offering greater certainty and, more importantly, fewer problems. In simple terms: a proven track record never disappoints!
Four out of the five top BB beef on dairy bulls
K.I. Samen bull Beer van de Graashook not only boasts the highest score for calving ease (138) in the Netherlands, he is one of the four beef on dairy bulls from K.I. Samen to make up the top five!