Established relationship creates trust and self-sufficient cows

Family farm with a future Roelof Jan and his brother Jan Henk run a modern dairy farm in Beerzerveld in the Dutch province of Overijssel. Roelof Jan’s daughter Manon also lends a hand and plans to join the partnership next year. They have used the Triple A system as the basis for their mating selections…

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Farm report: Pursuing their own breeding goals rewards Mts. Hoorn with healthy cows

Look for practical bulls Evert and Koop have used bulls from K.I. Samen for more than 25 years. The Triple A system plays a key role in their selection strategy. Evert starts by saying “I don’t complicate matters. It’s all about making the right combinations. I look for a practical bull with the correct aAa…

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Huijbregts wants nothing but the best Belgian Blues for beef ondairy

Topkoeien en stieren voor gebruikskruising

Al bijna 35 jaar fokt Jos Huijbregts Belgisch Witblauw-vleesvee. Rond 2000 werd het ras populair bij melkvee, zodat het beter bevleesde kalf meer opbrengt. Met een vooruitziende blik sprong Huijbregts in dat gat; hij ging Belgisch Witblauw-stieren fokken voor gebruikskruisingen.

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Succesvolle grasdag met een drukbezochte stierenpresentatie

BALANCED DAIRY COWS AND IMPRESSIVE PARADE OF BULLS at the successfull grasdag 2023 Progeny group Bonhill Dex van de Peul Dex made many farmers enthusiastic during the bull presentation and his daughters made a very worthy debut during the successful grasdag 2023 event. These nicely developed heifers have a well-balanced skeleton. The udders showed their…

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“Since we started breeding with K.I. SAMEN, we’ve had the right results.”

Henk took over the running of his parents’ farm at a young age. “Back then, the obvious place to go to for breeding advice was your local AI station. Our herd wasn’t as it should be so we tried a different strategy each time. But we always came up against the same problems and none…

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Familie Wester

John and Christel made the transition from conventional dairy farming to organic farming in 2016 in a gradual process. “It’s something you grow towards,” says John. “Circularity in farming always starts with the soil. I am very interested in aspects such as soil fertility, soil structure and active life and organisms in the soil. And,…

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