Jersey in the spotlight: Collin

K.I. Samen offers a wide range of Jersey bulls, representing a diverse mix of Danish, American and Australian genetics. We have plenty of choice for all farmers who want to use Jersey semen. This edition shines the spotlight on the Jersey bull from our portfolio: Adelgaard Collin.


Adelgaard Collin: Cow family that standds out for durability

The Danish-bred Jersey-bull Adelgaard Collin has a pedigree with super components, solid conformation and great durability. Collin will bring durability to your herd.

Durability embedded in the maternal line

Collin‘s maternal line is defined by outstanding durability. Collin’s great grand dam realised five lactations, his grandmother was good for nine lactations and the figure for his dam Hirse Sia now stands at eight. The component percentages of these cows are also phenomenal: all three generations have milk lists with more than 4% protein and around 6% fat.

Adelgaard Hirse Sia, dam of Adelgaard Collin

Good scores for longevity and somatic cell count

Collin’s daughters stand out for their extremely high component percentages, correct legs and open build. They also score high for durability, somatic cell count and fertility. Collin has aAa code 432, which is a very popular combination in the Jersey breed. Collin is also the highest but one tested Jersey bull for fat and protein percentages in the Netherlands.

What do farmers say about Collin daughters?

Farmers are exceptionally satisfied with Collin daughters. They have good scores for somatic cell count and daughter fertility and have good quality udders. They are functional cows that perform well in the herd.

361163 | Adelgaard COLLIN
Quintana x Hirse x Lemvig | aAa 432

  • Has produced several breeding bulls
  • High component transmission in maternal pedigree
  • Sire Quintana scores high for durability, somatic cell count and fertility
  • Kappa casein BB  
  • Beta casein A2A2