“Geertje 669 has everything a well-balanced cow needs”
Geertje 669 (s. Malki) is the prime example of a K.I. Samen “Cow in Balance”. She has all the key traits that combine to create a well balanced dairy cow. Geertje 669 is a practical, easy to manage, well-built cow. A cow with high lifetime production that will continue to contribute to good profitability in the future on the dairy farm owned by the Hammink family, the breeders behind this ‘TrueType’.

Longevity and proven cow families
Owners Jan, Gé and son Rick Hammink run their dairy farm in Almelo (Nl). They manage a herd of 85 and to date can claim 18 cows who have produced more than 100,000 kg of milk! The breeding vision of the Hammink family focuses on longevity: “Our main consideration is the maternal line, rather than studying a bull’s breeding values. We think it’s important to use proven cow families and we use the Triple-A system in our mating decisions.”
Cow in balance
Jan continues: “Geertje 669 has a little more muscle and strength and is also an attractive cow to look at. She has matured from a beautiful heifer into an impressive dairy cow and retained her super conformation. Her frame is not too big, she has good chest width and wide volume all over her body plus plenty of refinement. And as she is so true to type, Geertje is also a very healthy cow.”
The Geertjes
Geertje 669 descends from a strong cow family that combines durability and productivity with good looks. At her first classification inspection, Geertje 669 scored 85 points and less than four years later she was awarded ex 92. Jan gives a satisfied nod: “It all started in the 1960s with Geertje 47. She was our very first Geertje and where it all began in terms of breeding.”

15x 100,000 kg of milk
“Today, seven Geertjes can claim the excellent predicate. There is no denying that longevity is firmly embedded in the cow family. So far, 15 Geertjes at the Hammink dairy farm have surpassed 100,000 kg of milk and Geertje 669 is already well on her way to achieving this milestone.”
Production champion
“Geertje 669 is a true production champion”, Rick laughs. “We milk twice a day and at the peak of her previous lactation she was yielding more than 40 litres per session. It’s an absolute pleasure to see a cow like her in the milking parlour,” says Jan with a smile. “She has a really strong urge to produce and is so easy and problem-free to manage. She has currently produced more than 83,000 kg of milk with 3.50% protein over five lactations.”
Black pearl
Geertje’s dam, Geertje 611 (s. Willem van Oranje) and her sire Big Malki made an absolutely perfect match. “There’s no denying Malki’s role,” confirms Jan. “Malki has clearly stamped his mark on conformation in this mating selection. Geertje 669 is our ‘black pearl’ and has definitely inherited this from her sire. Malki is renowned for his ability to transmit good legs and strong claws. Geertje 669 has sound, strong legs with a striking front leg position. She stands straight above her claws which gives her easy, smooth locomotion. And that good posture says a lot about her excellent claw health. We never need to treat her claws!”
Champions at the TASS

At the Twente After Summer Show in the Netherlands on 18 October 2024, Geertje 669 came first in the production class. Rick beams with pride: “She showed her amazing middle section, well arched, open ribs and a beautiful udder with a lot of capacity. Geertje 669’s femininity and finesse are exemplary of the breed.” Her herd mate, Malando daughter Geertje 603, was crowned reserve champion on the same day. Jan: “Geertje 603 made a real statement in the show ring, with her long head and neck as the true stand out features. She also ranks high in the production stakes. In seven lists, she has produced more than 97,300 kg of milk with 5.01% fat and 3.81% protein.” Geertje 603 is also a pure ‘cow-in-balance’. Bred based on a vision of longevity and good production, this Malando daughter is also on her way to reaching 100,000 litres!

Self-reliant, trouble-free cows
“Geertje 669 excels across the board. She is alert, social and certainly not dominant. In fact, she blends into the herd,” says Rick. “She is in peak health. We never have any problems with her. She is a self-reliant, trouble-free cow. We always notice her eating and ruminating. She works all day to convert a lot of forage into a high volume of milk. And we see the same behaviour in many of her namesakes. The Geertjes are highly valued top performers on our farm.”
The perfect picture
“We understand perfectly why Geertje 669 is the ‘TrueType’ of K.I. Samen. She is also an outstanding model of excellence in the barn for us too. The overall picture is perfect: her productivity, health and balanced build make her a valuable member of our herd. And Malando daughter Geertje 603 is following in her footsteps,” Jan concludes with a laugh.

Hammink is breeder of Parfait P Parfait P (Prada x Malki x Miller P) will soon be the new future bull of the month. The Hammink family also bred this heterozygous polled bull. His jet black coat, stylish appearance and alternative bloodline make Parfait P a true one of a kind. The young bull inherited polledness from his grand dam Geertje 712 (s. Miller P), who is still in production, just like his Malki dam, the young 3rd calf Geertje 752. Great grand dam Geertje 542 (s. Mr. Ed) achieved lifetime production of more than 110,000 kg. See page 18 for more details about the new future bull Parfait P.