A balanced farm: Practical approach delivers higher profits and more pleasure
K.I. Samen helps farmers optimise their profits and increase the productivity of their herd. By utilising proven genetics and expert advice, we breed cows with a healthy and productive life. A balanced herd not only results in higher yields, it also lowers the costs and increases the pleasure and satisfaction at work.

A balanced farm
Our ‘Balanced Farm’ approach examines the totality of revenue at farm level. The foundation is a herd that produces milk for a low cost price by converting a mainly forage ration into milk with the lowest possible labour input and without additional health-related or other costs. Another aim is to produce as much milk as possible within the limits of the available production rights. Increasing the number of lactations of individual cows reduces the number of young stock required. This creates more scope for higher yielding cows that deliver profits. And as the rearing costs are also lower, the benefits are twofold. And lastly, a larger proportion of the herd can be inseminated with beef on dairy bulls which boosts the average price achieved by the calves. The bottom line of taking this management approach is essentially extra profits of up to €500 per cow per year and more pleasure and satisfaction for the farmer.
A balanced cow
A good build forms the foundation for cows that achieve higher lifetime production. We closely examine which traits each cow needs to improve the next generation. An optimally built cow will function well in practice with less labour input and higher profits. Our goal: cows that complete at least four lactations, achieve at least 50,000 kg of lifetime production with good component percentages, require less care and have lower feed costs as they convert mainly forage into milk. The last aspect is particularly important as, on average, 75% or more of the total feed costs are accounted for by the cost of feeding concentrates. The more forage a cow can intake and convert into milk, the better.
Bulls from proven cow families
Our sire selection strategy also focuses on bulls from proven cow families with high longevity across several generations. Traits such as fertility, somatic cell count and hoof health are also taken into account. A large number of our bulls are also from farms with a pasture-based system. Self-sufficiency and good locomotion are key characteristics of these animals which ultimately makes a positive contribution to longevity.
Less replacement, lower rearing costs, higher herd longevity
Rearing young stock is labour intensive and involves considerable costs for feed, housing and care, as well as costs for the milk production rights. If the cows in a herd continue to produce for longer on average, the replacement rate will be lower. K.I. Samen aims for a replacement rate of 25% or less. Minimising the number of cows that need to be replaced will reduce the rearing costs per kilo of milk. Older cows typically have higher milk production than young cows so total milk production will rise. This improves the productivity of the current herd.
“A lowerreplacement percentage also reduces the rearing costs per kilo of milk”
Higher returns on calves by using beef on dairy
If less young stock is needed as replacement stock, more Belgian Blue bulls can be used for insemination to realise higher prices for calves. To maximise the gains, it’s important to prevent calving difficulties and a poor or delayed start of the next lactation.
Choose high calving ease and short gestation times
The term ‘smooth and easy calving ’ is widely used. But what exactly is calving ease and what are the differences? What does the breeding value calving ease mean in relation to high calf birth weights? The statistics reveal that a breeding value of 100 results in an average of 14.5% heavy calf birth weights. K.I. Samen offers no fewer than 15 sires that score 125 or higher for maternal calving ease. This corresponds to less than 5% of heavy births. The top five ranking bulls even score 135 or higher for calving ease! This corresponds to less than 1% of heavy births and makes what K.I. Samen offers unique. The current top three bulls in the Netherlands, Beer, Bobo and Brutus, are all products of the breeding programme at our breeding station and dairy farm.

How can farmers increase their focus on productivity?
1. Breed cows with the right build and achieve higher longevity by focusing on the three main reasons
for culling.
2. Less young stock, lower rearing costs
3. Higher prices for calves by more use of Belgian Blue beef on dairy bulls
Do you want a balanced farm, with higher profits and more enjoyment? Contact your consultant to discuss the steps you need to take.