Growing necessity for diversity in the Holstein breed

Analysis shows that breeding has produced more of the same
If we examine the larger dairy and beef farming countries, of the 1310 new registered animals some 1000 bulls have the same three code numbers. Particularly striking is that in the past year only eight bulls have been coded throughout all of Canada. Denmark and France are the leading countries with over 90% of ‘234 code’ in the analysed bulls. Germany follows with 86%. This percentage is significantly lower (61%) in the Netherlands, partly thanks to KI SAMEN’s different vision of breeding that provides the necessary variation.

Suitable advice on mating that ensures diversity
Although more of the same has been bred for another year, no one seems to be complaining. K.I. SAMEN takes the cow as the starting point and provides suitable advice on mating that ensures diversity. This does not imply using bulls with the highest index scores. But they are bulls with a proven record in practice who produce trouble-free, healthy daughters with a long, highly productive life on the farm.