Practical breeding works!

At the K.I. Samen breeding station and dairy farm, where around 75% of future bulls are used based on the Triple A system, many daughters born during the trial period were classified. Various daughters by American Ziggy Red, DV Magician and WR Centrum were classified and achieved scores for conformation and production that far exceed…

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Impressive debut for WR Centrum!

Breed-typical, fineness, correct legs, super udders and front udders and broad rumps are recurring qualities we are seeing in Centrum‘s first daughters. Not one, but two heifers were recently awarded 88 points. First was black-and-white Empore 1 owned by the de Man family from Herwijnen, followed a few weeks later by red Grashoek Julia 123…

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Jersey in the spotlight: Collin

Adelgaard Collin: Cow family that standds out for durability The Danish-bred Jersey-bull Adelgaard Collin has a pedigree with super components, solid conformation and great durability. Collin will bring durability to your herd. Durability embedded in the maternal line Collin‘s maternal line is defined by outstanding durability. Collin’s great grand dam realised five lactations, his grandmother…

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Jersey in the spotlight: Jouke

JOUKE: SUPER COMBINATION OF DANISH AND NORTH AMERICAN GENETICS Jouke is a great addition to our Jersey segment. Jouke is no ordinary bull, he offers a super combination of Danish and North American genetics. Jouke has code A2A2 and has an alternative pedigree. Excels in fertility and udder health Jouke has an outstanding pedigree. The…

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1-2-3 method contributes to good udder health

Dry off protocol at K.I. Samen breeding station and dairy farm Optimising dry off “It’s advisable to draw up a protocol that describes the dry off process”, begins Ralph Engelen. “Doing this forces you to think carefully about the best way to dry off your cows.” K.I. SAMEN breeding station and dairy farm has fine-tuned…

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Improving udder health

Choice of bull plays a role Mastitis resistance is partly hereditary and can be positively influenced by selective breeding. Bulls that score high for udder health produce cows that suffer less from inflamed udders and have a lower somatic cell count, both of which reduce the incidence of problems. Growing numbers of dairy farmers are…

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Three Bs top the rankings

Select reliable, tested sires When he bred this trio of bulls, Ralph focused on selecting reliable, tested sires that offered good to very good maternal calving ease combined with a short gestation time. What most people do not know is that the Belgian Blue breeding activities at K.I. Samen started more than 12 years ago…

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The last can be the first!

Breeder Jan Poppe was already struck by Kayne’s potential at birth and even used him twice when he was still a young bull. Although Poppe Kayne (Jacuzzi x Board x Brekem) is on everyone’s radar and deservedly so, there is more to report. The majority of the red-and-white bulls climbed in the ratings and now…

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Grashoek Mareno

Grashoek Mareno offers a comprehensive ‘SAMEN’ pedigree featuring top K.I. Samen bulls. Grashoek Mareno offers a comprehensive ‘SAMEN’ pedigree featuring top K.I. Samen bulls Bill x Maik x Jorryn. Maik and Jorryn are both currently producing numerous cows with yields of 100,000 litres, while various sons by Maik, such as Malki, Repairman and Geronimo rf…

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Big Malki in stal

Big Malki really has proven in practice what others promised! A bull’s impact is often determined by the genetic contribution he makes to the breed, especially regarding milk production, conformation and longevity, which are important breeding traits. Where others made promises, Malki delivered the proof in practice. Cows that are on average a year older…

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