The 305-day daughter production figures of K.I. Samen in practice

daughter production in 305 day list It’s very interesting to see what actually happens in practice and to look back at the results of thedaughters for each bull. And it’s worth noting that some bulls perform better in practice than thefigures on their own suggest. Download the list of the milk testing year August 2022-…

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Succesvolle grasdag met een drukbezochte stierenpresentatie

BALANCED DAIRY COWS AND IMPRESSIVE PARADE OF BULLS at the successfull grasdag 2023 Progeny group Bonhill Dex van de Peul Dex made many farmers enthusiastic during the bull presentation and his daughters made a very worthy debut during the successful grasdag 2023 event. These nicely developed heifers have a well-balanced skeleton. The udders showed their…

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Focus on what’s important

Dochtergroep (v. Valor Tobor)

Belgian Blue increasingly important K.I. Samen expects that farmers will increasingly turn to Belgian Blue bulls for breeding. For more than 25 years, K.I. Samen has invested in its Belgian Blue beef on dairy breeding programme. The leading positions are dominated by the Dutch proven bulls from K.I. Samen with high calving ease and short…

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50th 100-tonner at K.I. Samen breeding station and dairy farm

Owner Ralph Engelen is proud of reaching this milestone: “We always aim for high longevity and high lifetime production with good component percentages. Our focus on breeding balanced cows is what helps us achieve these results in practice. The addition of Grashoek Liza 421 (s. Lonar) to the already long list of 100-tonners is once…

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The pen of one million milk cartons

Links: Sterkoe 1 Grashoek Tonnie 72 (V: LadyLover) 
Rechts: Sterkoe 2 Grashoek Tonnie 66 (v: Kian)

Star cow Grashoek Tonnie 72 (s. LadyLover) has been awarded ‘Star Cow 1’ status, while her dam Grashoek Tonnie 66 (s. Kian) is a ‘Star Cow 2’. Both are still herd members at the K.I. Samen breeding station and dairy farm and were joined by a small number of other cows in the pen of…

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Drouner ARAS Pp, a pedigree with top class conformation

Aras Pp represents super conformation With seven generations of excellent cows in his ancestry. He passes on this trait to his daughters who have above average conformation with very good milk production. The heifers have good to very good (quality) udders, which are well balanced with good fore udder attachment. Aras Pp daughters have good…

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Why do farmers choose bulls with BB and A2A2?

Mostwanted Red

Farmers choose cows with the kappa casein BB gene because this yields more cheese from one kilogram of milk. One litre of milk contains about 35 grams of protein, of which approximately 82% is casein and 18% whey. Kappa casein, in particular, has an integral role in cheese making and affects how fast milk clots…

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Jersey on the increase worldwide

As we know, Jersey cows are a more favourable proposition in view of the phosphate rights in the Netherlands. You can have five Jersey cows in your herd compared to four Holstein cows. This calculation has already prompted various farmers in the Netherlands to switch to Jerseys. Another factor is that, with normal production figures,…

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Valor Bisor adds weight to your herd.

Impressive family tree Another impressive feature of Bisor’s family tree is the almost unending list of renowned bulls. It has all the big names! From bulls such as good old Triple and Sheik to more recent bulls such as Rudolph, Mtoto, O-man and Supersire. Their daughters in this line all ranked 84 to 90 points.…

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Grasdag 2023: Silage harvesting, roughage and well-balanced dairy cows.

How much milk can a cow produce with roughage from your own land? The form and function of the cow must be in balance to intake a lot of roughage. Our motto is and remains: look at the cow! What does a cow need to bring even more balance to the next generation? Ralph Engelen…

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